Sunday, January 17, 2010

Creative Teapots Which Will Make Your Morning Bright

If you live in United Kingdom then you might know how it is boring to drink a tea every day from very same cups and teapots. Drinking a tea from a piano-shaped kettle or that clock kettle is really a different experience. Here you can see the images of incredibly unusual and creative teapots which eventually could make your morning more entertaining.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bursting Soap Bubbles Amazing Pictures

Bursting Soap Bubbles Amazing Pictures

Office Exercises to Avoid Sleep

To avoid sleep…
Follow like this to ease your neck & shoulder pain

Wa..wa.. aaa

Move to the right and then to the left

After that, move to the left and then to the right

Just follow. Don’t force yourself to do 360 degrees, 180 degreeswill do. Bend down a bit like you gonna faint. Repeat a few times till you’re bored

Grab anything on your desk and smash your head hard. If you are still sleepy smash harder

After that move your feet and swing your body a bit like this. Do it like
it’s nobody’s business and remember to smile
Move your feet and body just a bit like this…. Do it like there’s no problem at all…

And now more aggressive! Don’t bother about what others say

Let go of all your stress….

If your boss ask what you are doing, move your head slowly like this and tell them you’re dying in the office

When your boss walks off, get your colleague to join you and move your body like this. The more the merrier…

Finally, dance like a cat

If you are still sleepy despite all these, just grab your small pillow  and sleep under your desk 
(at your own risk) :-)

If Celebrities were Dolls

Dont forget to share this Beautiful Collection with your lovely friends : )